Smile Indirect Outdoor Wood-Burning Pizza Oven is an excellent value for money. The perfect oven with high standards and quality materials.
Crafted with care, precision, and high-quality materials, the Clementi Smile Indirect Outdoor Wood-Burning Pizza Oven is the ultimate evolution of Wood-Fired Ovens that will surely give you your money's worth.
Constructed from premium stainless steel, this oven incorporates a refractory stone cooking surface to guarantee consistent heat distribution and outstanding cooking outcomes.
Smart Ventilation System: Sideways airflow in the ventilation system helps maintain a uniform temperature throughout the cooking area.
3 Cooking Levels: The cooking chamber is crafted from detachable stainless steel 304 and includes two fully removable sidewalls. It is equipped with sliding anti-overturning grills. Additionally, the illumination is provided by two halogen lamps, ensuring optimal visibility of the food.
Pressed Fire Grill: Pressed fire grill with swells and slits to allow perfect combustion.
Low Consumption: With remarkably brief heating times (40/50 minutes) and minimal wood consumption (4/8 kilos), these products prove to be ideal and enjoyable for all cooking enthusiasts, whether they are seasoned experts or beginners. They offer the flexibility to effortlessly prepare anything from a romantic dinner to party menus, enabling you to share joyful and unforgettable moments with friends.
Thermal Flywheel and Insulation: The oven has a thermal flywheel with a double plate plus a refractory. Insulation in wool-rock. The density is 100 kg/DM3.