Bouquet Planter by Slick Rock Concrete
The Bouquet Planter comes in two variations, Slim and Medium. It also comes in a dozen different colors to choose from, so you can choose the perfect one to fit any need you may have in your backyard, patio, or anywhere else your heart desires.
The Bouquet Planter has a unique and tapered rim, so it will add a contemporary look to your landscape design. The medium-sized, slim bouquet series work well against any background, as a standalone feature or in a group alongside our other concrete planters.
The Bouquet Planter is hand cast by local artisans and has a unique look perfect for any backyard or landscape.
- Made out of concrete (a blend of Portland Cement)
- Color: Integral through and through color followed by a proprietary water-based, semi-transparent stain.
- Finish: Solvent topically applied "semi" gloss sealer.
*Elastomeric Sealer: may be applied on the interior of the basin, per request.
* Keep water where it belongs by using Slick Rock Elastomeric sealer. Designed to give you the best possible below-grade moisture protection, Slick Rock Elastomeric Sealer provides a solvent-free, low VOC monolithic, seamless membrane. Applied to the interior of our concrete products, the elastomeric sealer is designed to protect your investment from the damaging effects of moisture migration, freeze/thaw, and other below-grade water-related issues.
Link to
Bouquet Medium |
36 |
21 |
261 |
Medium |
Bouquet Slim |
22 |
36 |
248 |
Slim |
Color Options for Square Planters:
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